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3 Emerging Software Testing Trends to look out this year

With rapid digitalization, there are several technological advancements. The continuation of changes in technology and digital transformation requires organizations to constantly innovate and reinvent themselves. The industries should transform software testing to match new advanced technologies and ensure high software quality.

  1. Database testing

    Database testing is to ensure that data quality is not compromised. It checks for data accuracy, consistency, conformity, duplication, data completeness, and validity. The testing is done with the help of specialized testing tools, techniques, and frameworks.

  2. Artificial Intelligence for Testing

    Artificial Intelligence algorithms are developed to generate better test cases, test scripts, test data, and reports. In upcoming years, more applications of AI are expected to address problems such as quality prediction, test case prioritization, fault classification and assignment.

  3. Mobile Test Automation

    Mobiles are increasingly more capable and hence mobile test automation must be a part of DevOps toolchains. The mobile test automation is driven by the need to shorten time-to-market. The cloud-based mobile device labs like Kobiton and test automation tools like Katalon may help in bringing mobile automation to the next level.

We live in a world of unexpected exponential changes. Hence, it is mandatory for individuals and organisations to stay updated with the upcoming trends and technologies. Stay ahead of the curve always with Skill Sigma.



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