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Amazon Web Services(AWS) vs Microsoft Azure

If you are new to cloud computing, you will want to select a platform that can help you easily get started with learning cloud computing. Cloud computing is a platform of choice in today's world offering top career opportunities in the world of Big Data and Data Science.

Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are both cloud platforms used by different organizations to customize according to their business needs. Both these platforms have shown a high success rate as seen in 99% of the use cases.

Essentially, Amazon's AWS has a range of offerings in IaaS, each categorized as:

  • Content delivery
  • Storage
  • Compute
  • Networking
  • Database

No matter which IaaS you use, you will be using Amazon's identity management and security such as AWS Cloud HSM's key service as well as Amazon's Open Directory Services.

Azure, on the other hand, has these offerings:

  • Database and data management
  • Networking
  • Compute
  • Database

Security and management tools include Azure Active Directory, Multifactor Auth, Active Directory Federation Services amongst others.

One of the hindering factors for a company is migrating to cloud computing with its legacy app. Hybrid clouds are easier with Azure, as it offers seamless integration of legacy apps into the cloud. However, Amazon is still strengthening its offering to support hybrid clouds. Still, the retail giant has some solutions that are geared for hybrid cloud integrations like Direct Connect, DynamoDB local, etc.

In the storage space, Amazon offers EBS storage which is super-fast for big data. However, Azure offers standard storage and has limitations for big data whereas premium storage is largely preferred.

Both Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services are equally competitive, and the users are likely to be winners in this cloud battle as each of these providers lures its customers with futuristic expanded offerings at a great prices.



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